
Lately the temperatures haven't been as bad as they were when I wrote my first blog post (30°C), but they are forecasting that such heat will return during this weekend, so yaaaay...

Things I mentioned previously are still untouched, but as Flubbershy said in the (very) broken polish: I don't like fast, I like slowly.

kuce z bronksu

Okay, so who even Flubbershy is? If you thought about Fluttershy, you're right. ponies from bronx is a youtube series that use characters from My Little Pony made by well-known polish cartoonist Jakub K. Dębski (aka Demland, Dem and Dem3000). It's not a parody of MLP, it's a very abstract own thing.

The first episodes were short random gags, lately they evolved into a story where they praised the criminal regime of the Bronx aka (Ponies) Kingdom for example (Equestria is not mentioned even once in the series). Here is my translation of the original three episodes (no subtitles, sorry). The numbers are the frame numbers in which the phrase appears. The original spelling is not preserved.

Some of the quotes from his various series or comics are quite famous and randomly pop up in everyday conversationsat this point. There's plenty to write about, so for now I'll quote one more from his Star Trek parody series: Who just appeared? Mr. Complainer, destroyer of good fun, slayer of children's smiles (audio).

Btw, I have his autograph from Pyrkon (2016 iirc).


About 4 years ago I heard about this internet protocol for the first time. At the beginning I connected to it using the Netscape 4 included in the Flashpoint Core but now I use Veronica-2 on gopherproxy and Gophie. If you see greetings from Poland in someone's Gopherspace guestbook, it's possible they are from me ;)

Digital Media Room
I curated two apps with the Gopher sources. The first is a collection of VRML models that didn't work very well in any VRML player I tried. They are available as separate objects and the room with all of them. The object that you can see on the left is described as Compressor Box and Compressor Press. When I look at pictures of hydraulic compression presses, I think I see the resemblance.

Starry Applet
The second one is a Java applet that is a static image of a galaxy. There is something eerie yet lonely in the cluster of pixels imitating stars among the void blackness. Based on ToDo_051026.txt, it was supposed to get an option to regenerate the image by using various parametes. But I didn't even managed to track down the original author so who knows if that update ever happened.

Video Games

Genki annouced the return to Tokyo Xtreme Racer franchise which reminded me about TXR 2, which I played a few years ago and I will have to finish at some point. Its soundtrack is one of my favorite game OSTs, so why not share a small list of soundtracks I like:
- Dangerous Waters and Main Theme from Assassin's Creed Rogue
- Flash FM from GTA Vice City
- Just the whole OST from Just Shapes & Bits
- Mittsies - Vitality from Helltaker
- Old Friends from Transistor
- Defalt's Club Music, Defalt's Chase Music and Jackson's Safety from Watch_Dogs

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